Biological Ontology

Rebuilding biology and philosophical foundations as mutual endeavor

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The web tree, of which this page is at the top, covers a phase -- of time and of my thinking.  The time is the span of years 2005 to 2016 and the interest is on naturalistic ontology.  It spans writing that began with the article on Biology and Reality and ended when the article Big Evolution made me realize that evolution itself was the better point for pursuing change.  From epistemology to ontology to evolution over 17 years and one website.

In 2006 we left the Esalen Institute to move to Berkeley which was a return to work (oil industry, not academia) and the time to fight through the ideas collected in the six previous road years. In 2014 we moved to Asheville, North Carolina, and in 2016 I moved to Cambridge, Massachusetts as I needed more academic contact (and the "we" sadly became an "I").

In late 2017 I completed a book, began seeking partners for debate, and changed the URL of this website (was  As this shift in interest and activity happens, the Ontology section is moving down the web pyramid.  An Introduction used for the Ontology website is retained as well as the Circles batch of articles written during the ontology phase which contain articles attempted and not publshed between 2004 and 2017. These articles start by working to build naturalistic views of ontology and shift to keeping up with all the changes in biology which are, in themselves, enough to rebuild philosophical foundations.  A short Bio is included. Yes, I'm still working and seeking contact and support.

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Site Updated March 11, 2017