Concept |
Leon Kass, The Hungry Soul: Eating and the Perfecting of Our Nature,
University of Chicago Press, 1999, pages 70-71 (The subquote is from
Erwin Straus, "The Upright Posture," in
"Phenomenological Psychology," 1966):
"With upright posture come major changes not only in the
hand and arm but also in the head and face, and, with them, a
reordering of the rank and relation of the senses. Sight replaces
smell as the dominant sense, and in so doing is itself transformed,
finally coming into its own as the sense which recognizes forms and
wholes: |
‘In every species, eye and ear respond to stimuli from
remote objects, but the interest of animals is limited to the
proximate. Their attention is caught by that which is within the
confines of reaching or approaching. The relation of sight and bite
distinguishes the human face from those of lower animals. Animal
jaws, snoot, trunk, and beak–all of them organs acting in the
direct contact of grasping and gripping–are placed in the
"visor line" of the eyes. With upright posture, with the
development of the arm, the mouth is no longer needed for catching
and carrying or for attacking and defending. It sinks down from the
"visor line" of the eyes, which now can be turned directly
in a piercing, open look toward distant things and rest fully upon
them, viewing them with the detached interest of wondering. Bite has
become subordinated to sight.’"
Also: Ibid, pages 71-2 (subquote again is from
Erwin Straus, "The Upright Posture," in
"Phenomenological Psychology," 1966):
"Though man remains a nourishing being, we
now see clearly that his being-in-the-world is oriented not solely or
even primarily as eater. He is, by natural attitude, a being
whose eyes are encouraged to be bigger than his stomach.
'Animals move in the direction of their
digestive axis. Their bodies are expanded between mouth and
anus as between an entrance and an exit, a beginning and an
ending. The spatial orientation of the human body is different
throughout. The mouth is still an inlet but no longer a
beginning, the anus, an outlet but no longer the tail end. Man
in upright posture, his feet on the ground and his head uplifted,
does not move in the line of his digestive axis; he moves in the
direction of his vision. He is surrounded by a world panorama,
by a space divided into world regions joined together in the
totality of the universe. Around him, the horizons retreat in
an ever growing radius. Galaxy and diluvium, the infinite and
the eternal, enter into the orbit of human interests.'
"As with upright posture
itself, the contemplative gaze–or the transformation of seeing into
beholding–requires maturation, and especially inner or psychic
growth; small children do not have it and remain largely interested
only in things that lie within their grasp. Eventually, as
adults, we are able to organize the visible world into things near and
far or, alternatively, into those visible and even remote things we
are interested in prehending (by bringing them near) and those we are
content to let be and to comprehend, at a distance and in their place,
against a background totality, a world."
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